Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mein Leibster

I got the sweetest email from one of my bests in Philadelphia yesterday:

I'm sorry!  Actually, the past week has been relatively busy with job applications, meetings, babysitting, and a new adventure that I'll share with you all next week.  No excuse - I shouldn't neglect you, dear readers, but please do accept my apology!

My week-long trip back to the States has arrived, and I'll probably be flying over the Atlantic as you read this.  I'm in DC today, New York on Sunday and Monday, DC again Tuesday through Friday, and then on the Eastern Shore for a weekend wedding.  What a holiday!

While I'm in the air, though, I'd like to thank the lovely Jillian for awarding me the Liebster Blog Award!  It's given to blogs with less than 200 followers, and I'm delighted to discover the other new blogs that Jillian picked - it's an amazing group to be included in, and I'm flattered.  You should definitely go to Mimi Nicole to check out the other girls... and also make sure to visit my current three favorite small blogs to whom I'm passing on the award!

Mo over at New on U doesn't know this yet, but we're going to be friends when I move back to DC.  I love following along as she travels for both work and pleasure while planning her destination wedding - it's inspiring!  Plus, she gives me total dog envy.

I just discovered Whitney recently, and I've already gone back and read all the archives of The Observant Turtle!  A newlywed in Houston, she's got a great eye for design and fashion, and I love how ambitious she is in her blogging.

A fellow American expat, Laura explores her adventures in France and her relationship with her FBF - that's French boyfriend, of course - on Laura's Vie Quotedienne.  I love reading her tales of assimilation  (and non-assimilation, sometimes!) and imagining what would have happened if I had gone back to Paris instead of moving to London.  Who knows?

Have a lovely weekend, dear readers - I'll next write to you from America!


  1. Hey, there's nothing wrong with not posting for a few days. :) Congratulations on your award! :D

  2. Ohhh! Thank you so much! I can't wait til you get to DC! If only you were still going to be London when we go in July - it'd be so fun!

  3. Awwww, thank you so much for recognizing me!!! Your kind words were so sweet and totally made me blush!

  4. Hey Betsy thanks for linking to my blog! I saw on my stats that I got a few visit via "betsytransatlantically" and was like "...what is that?"

    I like your blog as well!


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