... the Globe for a celebration of the King James Bible, which turns 400 this year. They'll be doing a reading of the entire book - both Testaments - starting today and running through Easter Monday. From the website:
The King James Bible contains some of the most exciting and extraordinary stories ever told and the origins of many famous sayings and phrases can be found within it. A team of actors will present these texts in full across twelve thrilling sessions, in a theatre which is constantly working to make Jacobean words become flesh.
For someone who studied the Bible as part of both her undergrad and graduate degrees, I think that this is the coolest thing ever. I'm ashamed to admit that I've never read the bible cover to cover, but it's a project I'd really like to undertake. It includes such incredible writing, such beautiful phrases and such powerful imagery.
(Side note: I've got some of my wedding and funeral music picked out - what, you don't plan these things? - and I'm actually very frustrated by the fact that, as a Jew, I'm limited to the Old Testament. There's obviously some gorgeous music written for the New Testament, but I'm pretty sure that my rabbi would keel over if he knew I wanted Stainer's God So Loved The World sung at my memorial service.)
Anyway, if you can make it to the Globe please do let me know what the event is like. I'm going to try to head down there sometime next weekend. I don't have Easter plans, but what better way to spend the holiday (yes, I know, I don't celebrate it; shush) than appreciating the Bible?