Friday, April 15, 2011

Frock Fridays

When a girl is preparing for a date - especially for a first date - she has to ask herself one very important question.  (No, it's not that question.  The answer that that question is always no if you're going on a first date!)  A girl has to ask herself...

Am I a Marilyn or a Jackie?

I never know which I am - I tend to combine the two.  I love that early-60s look, so I amalgamate Jackie and Marilyn whenever I can!  For my current preparations, therefore, I'm thinking about two possible options - which involves two possible frocks, of course!  (Ladies and gentlemen, the daily double...)

What do you think, dear readers?  Good for dinner and drinks?  (The look has to be work-appropriate, too, you know, as we're talking about a weekday date here.)  Any other suggestions greatly appreciated!