Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blogiversary & Giveaway

Oh em gee, you guys, I totally missed my blog's first birthday!  I am a very bad blogger indeed.  I was going to celebrate with champagne and things but clearly I missed the boat - what's that, you say?  I can have champagne whenever I want?  Fab.  Thanks.

Anyway, in honor/honour of my blogiversary, I'm announcing a giveaway!  This weekend I will hie myself to selected bastions of Englishness and I will choose, for one very special reader, the following things so that s/he may host his/her very own English spring garden party:

1. bottle of Pimm's plus instructions
2. jar of the dry ingredients for scones plus a recipe card
3. Union Jack picnicware

To enter the giveaway, make sure you're following Betsy Transatlantically and then enter a comment on this post telling me how you plan to join in the celebrations for the Royal Wedding.  Drawing will occur on Tuesday morning (my time) so make sure you've commented by the time you've gone to bed on Monday night.  Good luck!