Here's a rundown of our week in numbers plus some photos! I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving, dear readers - we certainly did.
On Thursday, we ran 10 kilometers in my first ever Turkey Trot. Jon, Sarah, and Uncle Markie signed up with me and my mother completed the 2 mile race at the same time. It was so much fun, even though it's apparently one of the hilliest courses in the area! We definitely earned our food that day.
Jon made fun of 9 “historic” buildings in Charlottesville as being younger than the modern bits of London. (But just because we’re newer, mister, doesn’t mean we’re weaker! Remember that time we threw off the tyrannical yoke of the monarchy? I thought so.)
Before Jon left yesterday, we went to Target so he could stock up on American junk food to bring back for his flatmates. He was very impressed by the 8 varieties of Goldfish we saw, and has resolved to try them all.
We cheered as the Redskins beat the Cowboys by 7 points on Thursday’s game – Sarah explained the nuances of American football, and I pretended I already knew all the rules. Jon's catching on!
Charlie slept on his bed at night, but jumped up to join Jon me around 6am every day. Jon took a while to get used to Charlie’s enthusiastic morning greeting – it’s not the most gentle way to wake up, that’s for sure! But I loved snuggling with my boys.
My mother totally understood when Jon politely refused leftovers for dinner on Saturday night before leaving. He wanted to grab a burger from Five Guys at the airport!
To celebrate the season, we tasted an assortment of 4 different autumnal beers. Sarah was desperate for pumpkin ale, but Jon’s favorite was the Sam Adams Oktoberfest.
Over the course of the week, Jon and I sounded the “save me” distress call 3 times – once in the midst of family drama on Wednesday evening, once while Christmas shopping at the mall on Black Friday, and once at my annual young alum high school reunion on Friday night.
Jon caved to my peer pressure and ordered 2 drinks from Starbucks over the course of the week even though he’s protesting their failure to pay tax in the UK. (Apparently this is a big thing in the news at the moment; Amazon seems to be guilty of it, too.)
It’s only 1 month until we see each other again! I fly to Heathrow on the evening of December 23rd and will be with Jon and his family on Christmas Eve day. Can't wait!