Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Laugh

I was going to pick something from Stuff White People Like to use as today's Monday Laugh, but when I went down the full list I discovered that I am most of the things that they mention.  In fact - though this is probably deeply uncool to admit - I don't really find the website funny; it's just true.  Studying abroad?  Been there.  Graduate school?  Done that.  Unpaid internships?  I've got the t-shirt.  (I have happily never been to an Ugly Sweater Party, but let me introduce you to my sister, who has got some crazy stories from similar shindigs.)

So I challenge you: what's the funniest thing you've seen on the internet recently?  Comment on this post with a link to something you have found online that made you double over with laughter.  We can all give each other some humor today!  Sharing is caring.  (But keep it clean, please, kids.)  I'll start you off with a little Monty Python for inspiration...


  1. I've been chuckling at ever since I found the site last week. There are a few that I'm tempted to print out and post myself!

    And the Japanese kitty, Maru never fails to crack me up:

    Have a great week!

  2. This was shown to me Friday night and I made the ladies replay it 3x.
    Animals talking? Can't get enough of it.

  3. Hey thanks for the Guardian Jobs tip! I posted my CV there a few days ago and keep checking it. They have had some good openings. I've only been at the search for a little over a week, it's hard to tell how long it might be. Unfort some really cool job listings are like 100 miles away. Dang.
    Have a good week!

  4. This SNL never fails!

  5. LOVE John Cleese.... but it doesn't get better than Adam Sandler.

  6. oh my goodness LOVE all of these! thanks so much for participating!


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