Friday, December 10, 2010

Frock Fridays

21 days until New Year's Eve!  Can't wait.  I love ringing in a new year - such a sense of possibility!

My favorite New Year's Eve was 2006-2007, the winter of my junior year of university.  Ten or so of us girlfriends from high school dressed up to the nines and had our own houseparty.  It was so great to just be with old friends, drinking cheap champagne and sporting party hats and dancing to cheesy top 40s hits - we had a blast!  So much better than spending an extortionate amount of money to get into a club, I think.

This year the boys and I are throwing our own New Year's Eve party at our flat.  If I wore the below outfit I'd be beyond overdressed... but it's fabulous, don't you think?  With a smoky golden eye and flushed lips and cheeks, obvi.

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