Monday, July 1, 2013

7/1/13 or 1/7/13 - Either Way, July!

It depends which country you're in, doesn't it?  Jon and I are very lucky that we're getting married on a date that can't logically be turned around - there is no 8th day of the 24th month!  But if our wedding were today, I bet that half of the guests would have turned up on January 7 and half on July 1.  You'd think that England and America didn't share a language...

Anyway, happy July!  I can't believe we're halfway through the year, but that's the way it goes.  And it's a perfect time to relaunch Betsy Transatlantically!  You can now find me at (though you'll also be redirected from the old blogger address, so don't worry about that) and I'm delighted to unveil the full new design that Bobbi has created for me.  My inaugural sponsors have taken up pride of place on my sidebar - meet Belinda, Nicola, Whitney, Julie, and Megan!  Between the five of them, they span three countries and include three totally different states across the US - absolutely perfect for this blog.  I can't wait for you to get to know them better!

The most fun part of my sponsorship offering, I think, is the link-up that all six of us will be co-hosting.  We'll be figuring out the topic this week and then will publish our posts on Tuesday, July 30. I'll let you know what the link-up will be about the week before, and I encourage you to join in as well.  It's going to be such a fun way to learn more about each other!

I'm planted at the British Library right now, switching back and forth between blogging and work and reliving my glory days as a student in London in 2009.  I'll have to make sure my posts this week are very well researched to prove that I belong here!  Well, I do belong here, you know.  It won't happen any time soon, but one day I will live full-time in England again!  First things first, though: our wedding and Jon's resident visa to come to the US.  Roll on, summer!


  1. the new design looks great!

  2. So in love with the new design! Thanks for letting me be a sponsor. Congrats on the relaunch!

  3. YAY! I love the new design - so charming. Excited for this link up. Julie is one of my faves, so I'm thrilled to see here on here, too :)

  4. Love the new design + how you're doing the whole sponsors thing. So classy, so fun, so you. xo!

  5. Your new design is beautiful! I especially love your new signature. :)

    ALSO, yes, the whole date thing was a problem with my first work visa to France! My paperwork had my birthday as August 6th instead of June 8th... Luckily I was able to get it fixed before my visa was issued, and they didn't make me redo all the paperwork.

  6. I love the new design! Like Belle Vierge, I'm also a fan of the signature. I like seeing "my" name written that way. :)

  7. Love the new design! The color combo is gorgeous!

  8. You're lucky to have a date that works both ways! Ours obviously makes more sense...the day, then month! Going to check out your sponsors and find new blogs to love.

  9. I'm still angling for something that will let me include Charlie...

  10. thanks for hollering! SO glad you're an inaugural sponsor.

  11. YAY I love it when friendship (even - especially? - online) comes full circle. It's always like, "WAIT, YOU KNOW HER TOO?" magic.

  12. that was ALL Bobbi!

    I had to give my birthdate today at the clinic (more on that tomorrow...) and had a total brainfreeze because I'd just written this post! haha

  13. it really is all Bobbi! I asked for softer and she made it happen :)

  14. I love the new look! New designs can be so much fun. :) Can't wait to hear about this link-up...

  15. I love your new design so much that I have made the decision to redo mine :)


I love reading your thoughts and suggestions! Please do leave a comment so we can get to know each other better.