Thursday, June 27, 2013

All About You

Dear readers, your response to my announcements on Monday was overwhelming!  I was definitely ready to take this step into a new dimension of blogging and I'm thrilled that so many of you are excited to come with me.

Do you know how I've been finding most of the new blogs I'm reading?  From my comments.  From your comments!  You all engage with me so enthusiastically - if you need a suggestion for a first dance song at your wedding, check out these 26 (!) ideas - and I take the time and energy you give to Betsy Transatlantically as a huge compliment.  I don't always know how you find me, though, and honestly I'm a little disappointed that there aren't any whacky search terms like "sparkly feeling in elbow" or "doesn't aaron look sexy with his hair pushed back" that have led you here, at least not according to Blogger.  Would you tell me how in the comments?  I'd love to hear how you ended up here, if you're willing to share, and if you found me via another blogger please do leave her name/blog so we can spread the love!

I must say, even thought it might be arrogant, that I think this venture into sponsorship is going to create some fantastic new friendships amongst us all, and that's due entirely to your awesomeness.  So thank you!

(I have one more spot left for July and have gotten a few inquiries about August, so email me at if you want me to send you stats and rates about sponsoring Betsy Transatlantically!)

This is also probably the part where - though I know you know this already - I remind you that Google Reader will soon be no longer, and that you can follow me via Bloglovin' here if you want.  There - blog business done and dusted!  Now to finalize my editorial calendar for next month, including two fab guest posts from a couple of lovely bloggers in the UK...


  1. Your blog came to me in a dream. A beautiful white horse rode by and as it passed, a white rose fell from its mane and written on one delicate petal was your blog name. When I awoke, I knew I needed to find this blog immediately. And my life was changed.

  2. (If there's any doubt in your mind, friends, let me confirm that it's Megan's blog that can be found by searching for "sparkly feeling in elbow." you're not surprised, are you?)

  3. I had to think about this one for a minute, because I've been reading your blog for ONE MILLION YEARS it seems. But I remembered! I was officially following your blog because I found you through Freckled Italian - but it was after I met you at Blogger Blitz that I became a devoted, daily reader :) xoxo

  4. YAY! thanks Megan and Alison :)

    it's so funny how time flies in blogging - I read and she posted recently about finishing up her year in Spain and I freaked out because I remember when she announced she was leaving to do her MA there and OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING FOR SO LONG HOW HAS IT BEEN A YEAR ALREADY! hehe

  5. I honestly have no idea how I found you, probably through another American expat in London? I am not sure! But I am glad I did ;)

  6. Someone on Twitter (maybe Megan from Freckled Italian or Jackie from Sweet & Wild Child) tweeted about a post you did on patriotism a while back. I clicked to read it and you said you were upset that some religious groups feel that they have a monopoly on patriotism and I was like YES THIS IS MY PLACE I'M ALWAYS READING THIS! And here I am :)

  7. I'm glad too! it's SO encouraging to see your success in so many of the transatlantic things I have faced / am facing :)

  8. haha love that! not that I need more encouragement to talk politics/religion, but thank you. another one like that coming next week...

  9. I think you sponsored Casey at The Road Less Traveled? The same time I sponsored her? Maybe? I found you via Casey somehow. Thank/blame her. ;)

    Also, some people find my blog looking for very specific porn... But I'm more excited when people find my blog googling legit questions about virginity because I have all (most) the answers! :D

  10. I think I found you via Joelle's first handwriting linkup! That or via Twitter.

  11. I can't remember exactly how I found your blog, but I know it was around when I was finding a bunch of expat blogs and was so excited about it

  12. AH WAIT I AM JUST MEETING YOU! hello :) where are you studying?

    I love how you said in your post today "It's pretty great being able to go 'home' for a weekend even when I'm in England." That's basically exactly why Jon and I are getting married in Suffolk!

  13. haha and now you can't get rid of me on your blog :P

  14. YES! we were co-sponsors :) and I bet you get questionable searches leading to your blog... you're very brave for tackling a subject that is often taboo but needs to be discussed!

    p.s. my new friend up there, Sarah Libros, has a "feminism" tab on her blog. I think maybe she could be your friend, too, based on similar views/outrage?

  15. I remember another blogger mentioning you, but I can't remember who it was. I'm so sorry. This is going to bother me forever.

  16. It was definitely through another expat blog- I just can't remember whose!

  17. Oh, I am new to the world of blogging...and just learned about google reader from you. Love it! Now I must go find Bloglovin' and get on that. Exciting.

    Oh, I forget how I found you, but I creep from blog to blog by who the blogger recommends.

    Good luck!

  18. I know I found you through another blog, but I'm not sure which one. Maybe multiple actually! Probably from Megan at Across the Pond. I typically look at the bloggers from her site because she's one of my favorites AND she doesn't go overboard with too many promotions. I stop clicking on the ones from the bloggers who do it ALL the time because I start to doubt they really personally like and follow that person's blog and are just doing it because they were paid.

  19. I think I found your blog through Explore, Dream & Discover, either that or Aspiring Kennedy I think! I was obviously doing the rounds on expat blogs!
    Amusingly, one of the search terms for a page view on my blog this week was "the snow and it was amazing". Odd....

  20. haha and now it's going to bother me. GEE, THANKS :P

  21. we're like a sorority, we expat bloggers!

  22. YAY welcome! I actually never used Google Reader so I didn't really understand why everyone freaked out when the announcement was made, but...

    (and "creep" is so often the right word when it comes to wandering through lifestyle blogs on the internet. haha!)

  23. I totally respect how Megan is monetized - I sponsored her once, actually, back in the fall, and it was a fantastic experience!

  24. YAY EXPATS! and yay anglophiles :)

    (in this DC weather, the snow does sound amazing...)

  25. Congrats on the upcoming changes! Really excited to see everything come alive and potentially link up in the future :)

  26. Hi! Wow it's pretty great to get such an enthusiastic response to a comment!! I'm studying in London. Actually heading back to the states for the first time since Christmas is less than a week (ah).

    It's so great to come across someone who can completely relate to a feeling like that. I think that's a great reason to choose a location. Best of luck as you approach the big day!!

  27. Honestly, I can't even remember how I found your blog! I actually think that you found me first and I came to you from there! My earliest memory (I think) of your blog is remembering you announcing your engagement!

  28. Georgia ChristakisJune 27, 2013 at 8:40 PM

    I found your blog looking for information about living abroad and visa stuff, particularly British visas. The overseas wedding planning is an added bonus (:

  29. Through {av} from {long distance loving} and all her {lovely} squiggly punctuation {parentheses}. Okay, that was overkill, but I love {s and }s, whatever the proper terminology is :D

  30. Love your blog! Found you through {long distance loving} awhile back and have been reading ever since! :)

  31. Hmmm... I can't for the life of me remember how I found you. I'm pretty sure it was through another blog though, maybe The Boot? Do you follow The Boot?

  32. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I started reading while I was still living in London. Now you are an everyday must read. Must say I am envious of your LDR, mine seems to have a lot more downs than ups (not helped by the fact that California is much farther away from London than DC is).

  33. Megan @ across the pondJune 28, 2013 at 3:47 AM

    well this made my whole day. Thanks Betsy! and betsy...haha ;)

  34. I think I did find you! but how... hm... this is a hard question!

  35. I think we should just call them squiggly punctuation {parentheses} :)

  36. do I follow The Boot. HA! I am The Boot's biggest fan!

  37. oh man - I promise there are downs! they're just not things I can (usually) blog about either because Jon has asked me not to or because I'd rather not until we're past them, you know? but if you want to email me, I promise I can empathize! wishing you and your love SO many strong happy thoughts in the meantime :)

  38. You know... I'm not sure how I found your blog... that's a great question, haha! But we seem to have a lot in common... long distance relationships, ex-expat sort of stuff, etc. :) I think I came across your blog multiple times from various sources, to be honest!


  39. I found you through Selena at Oh, The Places We Will Go when I was looking for ALL things expat related and trying to find out as much as I could about being an expat. I became obsessed with reading expat blogs and seeing how others navigate the whole moving to another country thing.
    I love following along on peoples journeys ~ it has been fun!

  40. I can't remember how I found you exactly, but I'm guessing from another expat blog, or googling for expat blogs.

  41. I don't quite remember, but I think I found your blog through random Googling for other DC bloggers. Finding new blogs can be surprisingly hard and random, but I have been quite happy with the ones I've latched on to. :)


I love reading your thoughts and suggestions! Please do leave a comment so we can get to know each other better.