If you don't recognize them, let me introduce you: that's Lindsay, on the left, who blogs over at Sapphire Lindsay, and on the right is Whitney of The Observant Turtle. I stole this photo from Lindsay's Instagram after they had lunch together last week, which first made me cry with jealousy and then made me look up flights to Texas so I could join them for their next date. They're actually quite different, but they've absolutely got the same heart . They're both fiercely loyal friends, deeply devoted to their families, and 100% true to themselves. Let me gush a little more, if you don't mind...
Whitney amazes me with her courage and strength. She moved halfway across the country from her family with her husband to a new town - a new state, in fact! - where she didn't really know anyone, and she jumped into her life there with both feet. Whitney set her sights on her dream job and snagged it, and I love getting gchats from her in the middle of the day with exciting news about what's going on at work. We often talk about some of the Big Questions and, even though we usually don't come up with any answers, it's such a joy to feel like we're exploring things that matter together.
Now, Lindsay blows me away with her humor and optimism. This girl has been through some tough [expletive], and she has come out the other side with such an incredible sense of self and the most contagious smile you will ever see. I email her when I need a reality check after getting lost in bloglandia, and she always responds with enthusiasm and grace. If there's such a thing as giddy poise, Lindsay's got it.
So you can see why I'm desperate to go to Houston, can't you, dear readers? These two amazing women in one place - well, that's an opportunity I can't pass up for two much longer. Unless they both want to come to DC... hey, I can dream! Although, if we're talking about the best blate in the history of ever, I think we should plan a week in Europe together. How does that sound, girls?
linking up with story of my life
Such a cute post. These gals will love it :)
ReplyDeleteAw, you have me blushing! I'm definitely up for a blate, in DC or Houston. As for Europe, it WILL happen one day!
ReplyDeleteRemember when I told you how picky I am about following new blogs? Well, after reading each of their "About" pages, and sampling five blog posts by Whitney and five blog posts by Lindsay, they meet my stamp of approval. They should thank you for creating new followers!
ReplyDeleteand all these reasons and more I am so blessed to be able to hang with these two awesome ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteYAY. And i'm beyond honored you mentioned me, too!
ReplyDeletethey made it easy :)
ReplyDeletehaha I know this is a compliment to them, but I'm flattered! clearly I have good choice in friends :)
ReplyDeleteSO JEALOUS! meanie :P haha but yes, you are lucky!
ReplyDeleteTHIS. Oh, my God. THIS. I love you, Betsy! Thank you! I'm completely surprised, to be honest, because I know you've connected with some really amazing women through blogging. Thank you for letting me be a part of your blogging journey! (P.S. My post is finally up... a day late. I blame school.)
ReplyDeleteThank you! After we starting following each other on Twitter yesterday, I was clicking around your blog for AWHILE! So happy to meet you. Lucky for me, you met me through such a sweet post by Betsy (who is amazing, as you already know).
ReplyDeleteYOU are one of those amazing women! I'm totally not a Texas girl, but for you guys... (p.s. will read yours when I get home and can focus on it!)
ReplyDeleteThis little (big!) blogverse is weird, right? I found you via Betsy, who I found via Casey, who I found via Bonnie... Give it a few months, and I'm sure you'll introduce me to a blogger I absolutely MUST follow too! :)