statue outside the Children's Chapel at Washington National Cathedral
Given the heartbreaking events of last week, I'd like to start today's Sunday Currently off on a somber note:
hoping... that we take responsibility as a nation and recognize that this is the time to talk about gun control. Our leaders will only begin to address the inadequacies of our laws (relating to gun control and mental health care among others) if we urge them to. A change must be made and the change must start with us.
Now, although the massacre at Sandy Hook will never be far from our minds, I'm going to return to the Sunday Currently I had planned to write. When we are hit with the realization that our lives can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye, it's important to relish what we have. So, these days, I am:
listening... to Peter, Paul, and Mary's holiday album. My sister and I grew up on a diet of The Weavers, Pete Seeger, and Peter, Paul, and Mary, and I find it incredibly comforting to play the tracks in the kitchen as my parents putter around. My favorite is The Cherry Tee Carol. (I did try to like the Sufjan Stevens holiday album, too, since everyone recommends it so highly, but just couldn't get on board. Clearly my hipness peaked in 1967...)
watching... Suits! Sarah's obsessed with this show; she convinced me that I should use my weeks of unemployment to get caught up on the first two seasons before the new one premiers in January. I didn't think I could be into another show about lawyers, but I'm totally hooked. The storylines are gripping, of course, though I'd pe perfectly happy watching an hour-long montage of Harvey simply existing in his supremely well-tailored Tom Ford suits.
cooking... my way through Foolproof, Ina Garten's new cookbook. Mom went to the signing last week and picked up a few copies for us - I've totally been geeking out over it! I love the Barefoot Contessa and I especially love that her recipes are usually simple and accessible, but sometimes I get a little frustrated with just how pared-back they can be. However, this new cookbook manages to make the basics fun and interesting! Tonight we're going to have her Chicken with Wild Mushrooms over mashed potatoes - yum!
drinking... ginger tea, still. I found a new brand - Archer Farms, sold only at Target - that has the ideal lemon to ginger ratio and pairs perfectly with a teaspoon of honey. (These are the important things, you know.) But also I've discovered the black magic that is the Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha, and I allow myself one short (aka kids' size) cup a week as a special treat. Amazing!
marveling... at the wonderful strangeness of my adopted country. Did you know that there's a BBC radio program where they broadcast church bells ringing for a minute and a half? Every week features a different church from around the country - today it's York Minster. Only in England...
loving... my new blog design by the very talented Bobbi from Ready to Blog! We had a Skype consult a few weeks ago and I was delighted by how Bobbi took my ideas and ran with them so creatively. Plus, she installed everything in a way that will allow me to control the aesthetics of this blog as I wasn't really able to before. Thank you, friend!
cleaning... up my Pinterest boards and the images on Betsy Transatlantically. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see my outraged grumblings every time I find a photo or graphic that isn't sourced properly - especially when it's reposted or repinned by a major blogger, who should know better - and so, following {av}'s tips and suggestions, I dove into my own Pinterest account to make sure that everything was appropriately credited. Imagine my shame when I realized that I had to start even closer to home! So if you ever feel the urge to go back into my archives, please be patient - it's going to take me a few weeks to straighten out 580+ pins and 750+ old posts.
trying... to shake this cold before my impromptu trip to New York tomorrow! I felt it coming last Wednesday, when I spent the day wallowing in my lurgy, but it didn't really manifest until after yesterday's 5 mile race in Baltimore. Hopefully it'll wear itself out today so that I won't spend the whole bus ride making my fellow travelers uncomfortable!
So yes, the past week has been pretty mellow. But I've only got one more week at home - well, with Monday and Tuesday in NYC - before two weeks of Christmas in England and then - oh, and then! I have news to share with you, dear readers. You'll just have to be patient until I do! And, in the meantime, I wish you all a very relaxing end of the weekend.

I love your new blog design! Bobbi is awesome.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear your exciting news and see pictures from Christmas in England! I've been hearing a lot about the Peter Paul and Mary Christmas album this year for some reason. Maybe I'll actually turn off my Hanson and Jessica Simpson Christmas cds (no shame!) and try out that one :)
thank you - she is, and it wouldn't have happened without her!
ReplyDeleteand definitely find the PPM album but promise me you'll still listen to Jessica Simpson :)
It's hard to comment from across the pond about the tragic events last week. As you probably know, to most English people, it's hard to make sense of the gun laws as it seems so foreign to us. I hope this event will change some things for the better.
ReplyDeleteI have a thing with image credit too! I always try to make sure I find the source for an image and it's awful when you want to use an image but can't find the source.
I bet you are so excited about Christmas in England! (although maybe not the London crowds - it's been ridiculously hellish recently haha!)
I am dying to listen to those bells but Paul is watching some documentary and he apparently finds it rude when I play a video/noise on my computer while he's watching something. Weirdo.
ReplyDeleteNow I've got an inkling to review all my pins... but TEDIOUS! In other Pinterest news, since I've changed my url it appears that any pins from "dogsbollocks09.blogspot" are now flagged as suspect links. Boo! I've got so much blog-catch-up to do, though. I need an intern!
And yes to the first part. Like the rest of the nation and world, I'm still processing what happened. I prefer to do that in internet silence, but this one is feeling as relatable to me as Columbine. Those students were my age or a year or two older; now the teachers and some parents are around my age. I'm not opposed to people having and owning guns, but I do think the ground between where we are and more structured and controlled legislation leaves a lot of room for improvement. No private citizen needs assault weapons, and I personally feel there could be much better restriction on ammunition as well. I can only hope others have related to these horrors and allowed themselves to feel the pain of our entire nation's repeated losses so that we can successfully band together, across social strata and political parties, and make our nation safer for all of us.
me too - I really do hope we can learn from the changes the Brits made in 1996 following the Dunblane massacre.
ReplyDeleteand YES I am so excited! We'll mostly be in Suffolk, but I can't stay away from London :)
I totally respect the instinct not to plaster opinions and emotions all over the internet, especially if you're still processing how you feel and what it means. (Not YOU, specifically... you know what I mean!) But there's a difference between the silence of reflection and the silence of avoidance, and it's sad to see so much of the latter around. (Again, not YOU specifically!)
ReplyDeleteand yes, the Pin review is totally tedious and strangely exhausting! yargh.
I'm sure you know that I totally agree with you on what Friday's tragedy means for America's future. I am still processing it as well, but I do know that something needs to be done. We cannot allow this to happen again.
ReplyDeletethanks, lady - it's a really tough time, and there's not any one right thing to say. all we can do is our best to make sure this doesn't happen again so easily.
ReplyDeleteloving this. And I completely agree - I hope that the discussion about gun control (and mental health) will change soon
ReplyDeleteStill praying for those poor families as well!
ReplyDeleteSUITS! Yes. I'm obsessed too. I can not wait for the new season. That Harvey
ReplyDeleteSomething has to be done about gun control. How many more children have to die? I don't really know what should happen...but I hope things will change.
i actually love getting the short-sized drinks - i think they're really cute. and on saturday, justin & i went to dunkin' donuts, & they gave me the smallest cup of coffee i've ever seen. i didn't mind, though, because, well... it was cute.
ReplyDeletei need to try out suits - i love lawyer shows!
looks like we're heading in the right direction!
ReplyDeleteprayers and love and the most immediate and constant things we can send...
ReplyDeleteso glad to have found another Suits fan! every time Harvey adjusts a cuff... I die.
ReplyDeletethey are! cute + less guilt = win :)