Saturday, October 15, 2011

Morning Contemplation

Dear readers, you might get two posts today.  I've woken up early - damn body clock - and so I am compelled to blog about some pretty and inconsequential things to pass the time, but I am aware that I owe you a full session on my anniversary with Jon (part deux begins as soon as he opens his eyes, though we all know that this might mean me waking him up when I get bored). So make sure you check back tonight for details on our dinner last night and our adventures today!

8:29am, Saturday 15 October

I'm curled up under the duvet with my oh-so-very-sexy socks and a cup of tea because, as you can see above, a morning chill has permeated the air.  But the windows are beautifully misty and the sun is streaming in and it is going to be a delightfully lovely day.

After we have breakfast - we stopped at the store on our way home last night to pick up eggs and bacon and bread even though we were so full that the thought of more food made us queasy - we're going to head out for a few hours of walking around Southbank.

As 16*c is manageable but perhaps a bit chiller than is comfortable for an afternoon en plein air next to the river, I'll have to think smart when it comes to picking an outfit.  My tights are staying securely in their drawer (mostly because I'm too stubborn to admit that they might be necessary) and so I'll be forced to stay warm through other means.

In the spirit of whiling away the hours,  I scoured my beloved Polyvore for high street finds; all of the items above are relatively affordable and easily accessible if you live in the UK.  The top, a plain white tee, is from Evans and is £8, and although Evans caters to plus-size ladies they start at a UK14 (US10) so I qualify.  The earrings are £30 from John Lewis and the necklace is £20 from Freedom at Topshop.  I'm usually not a huge fan of River Island because I think their clothes are often too of-the-moment, but I love this £45 green blazer.  The skirt, at £35, is River Island, too - maybe this season will change my mind about the brand.  From Red Herring at Debenhams, those classic wedge loafers come in at £32.  And, last but not least, the most expensive item in the above display is the H&M bag for £70.

I read something in this week's Stylist, which is the free magazine that you get on the tube on Wednesdays in London, that I had to share with you all.  (You'll see why the above clip from Ellen is relevant in a second, though personally I think that Hugh Laurie is relevant to any situation just because he is so darn handsome.)  The mag has an article about the importance of a good haircut, which is apparently "The Investment Piece You Wear Every Day."  They talk about a high-quality haircut as

one that you can tell wasn't done down the high street for a tenner

Ahoy, Britishisms!  The closest I have ever gotten to sounding this British was when I emailed my entire office a few days ago to tell them that I was going to clean out the fridge in the kitchen because "it was manky, and anything that had gone off was going to be immediately chucked in the bin."  (Translation: it was disgusting, and anything that had expired was going to be thrown in the trash.)  But, really, I think that this line from Stylist takes the cake.  What it means is

one that you can tell wasn't bought on main street for ten dollars

How silly.  Also, do you remember a few weeks ago when Hurricane Irene was battering the East Coast of the States?  That's when I learned that the English really do pronounce "hurricane" as "hurr-ih-cuhn." Sillier and sillier!

Jon is awake now, which means that I have to sign off, but he first wants me to tell you that if My Fair Lady was released today as an original concept, there would be universal outrage in Britain.  After all, the only people you can make fun of these days are the toffs!