Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day!

I think that Hallmark calls this holiday "Mother's Day" with the apostrophe before the "s," but I'm changing it because today I celebrate all of the mothers in my life.  I'd like to dedicate this to them.

First, of course, to my mother, who loves me even when I pick fights with her because I'm secretly scared of moving three thousand miles away from her.

To Nana, who is always only a phone call or email away and whose nudging I welcome more than anyone else's because I know it means that she wants me to do my very best.

To Grandma, who is ever excited to hear about my adventures and who takes me and my endeavors more seriously than I sometimes do.

To Kate, who has been my adopted mother for years now - I'm so glad we've gotten closer since I have moved back to DC.

To all of my office mothers, who mentor me in so many ways.

Thank you - much, much love.

And, because we have something else to celebrate today, I need to send thanks and love to Jon, the most amazing boyfriend and the best man I know - happy birthday baby!

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